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Tampilkan postingan dengan label codeigniter. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Syntax Authentication User Management on CodeIgniter FrameWork

Logging a user in

You may put this in the "login" method of your website.
// These variables may come from a form, for instance
if($this->user->login($login, $password)){
    // user is now logged in, you may redirect it to the private page
} else {

Validating a session (user is logged in)

You can create custom actions with this function.
if($this->user->validate_session()) {
    echo "If you can see this you are logged in.";

Auto redirect on invalid session

Auto redirects if the user isn't logged in. The first parameter tells where to redirect if theres a invalid session (controller/method/etc). If you wish to lock the whole controller, you can put it on the constructor.

Auto redirect on valid session

Auto redirect function if the user is logged in. The first parameter tell where to redirect if theres a valid session (controller/method). Ideal for login pages.

Displaying errors

Codeigniter-user library uses two flashdata names for displaying errors. They are "error_message" for errors and "success_message" for successes. You may want to show them ahead the login form, for example:
<form id="login_form">
    <div class="error_message"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('error_message');?></div>
    <div class="success_message"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('success_message');?></div>
    // the login inputs and buttons go here...

Get the current logged in name, id & email

Simple way to retrieve the logged user name and login.
echo 'Hello, ' . $this->user->get_name() . '! Your ID is: ' . $this->user->get_id() . ' and your e-mail is: ' . $this->user->get_email();

Get the current logged in data

Simple way to retrieve the logged user data. All the available data is dumped into this variable.

Check permission

Checks if user has a permission. The first parameter is the permission name.

Logout user

Removes all session from browser and redirects the user to the received path.

Change user password or login on the fly

Call these functions for updating user's password or login. Theres no need to update the database.
// changing the user login and password with received data from form

Managing users

There is a separated library for user managing. After setting up the database config, load up the user_manager library. There are some examples of:

Adding a new user

$fullname = "Johnny Winter";
$login = "john"
$password = "123becarefulwithafool";
$active = true;
$permissions = array(1, 3);
$new_user_id = $this->user_manager->save_user($fullname, $login, $password, $active, $permissions);

Creating a permission

$permission_id = $this->user_manager->save_permission('editor', 'The editors of my website.');

Deleting a user

if( $this->user_manager->delete_user($user_id)){
    echo "User was deleted.";

Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Perbedaan Base_Url() dengan Site_Url() pada CodeIgniter

Sebagai pemula dalam bercoding ria menggunakan framework php codeigniter, saya dulu sempat kebingungan dengan fungsi base_url() dengan site_url() yang sepintas tampak sama saja tpi beda. Dan membuat bingung pemula dalam menerapkan ke dalam script

dalam keterangan di user_guide:

site_url() akan mereturn nilai index page yang telah diset di config. Defaultnya index.php -> http://domain/path/index.php

base_url() hanya mereturn alamat site tanpa embel-embel -> http://domain/path/

site_url() membaca string link dibelakang index.php sebagai controller/method/variabel/variabel
base_url() bisa membaca string apapun tanpa ada controller & metod alias bisa mereffer ke link/string apapun. Misal untuk tembak url css ato javascript.
artinya tembak url css di path


untuk penggunaan:
jika berhubungan dengan routing url menu, post, fungsi gunakan site_url()

untuk yang berhubungan dengan direct link css,images/js gunakan base_url()

dalam suatu kasus, anda menghilangkan index.Php
anda mengeset
$config['index_page'] =”
maka dalam hal ini site_url() == base_url()
sebagai saran, lebih baik anda tetap gunakan site_url()
karena apabila setting server mod rewritenya gak mau nyala, kalo anda dari awal menggunakan site_url() di link,fungsi,post data maka anda gak perlu repot ubah satu persatu link di script. Tinggal di config.php diset pada bagian $config['index_page'] =’index.Php’
maka semua akan bekerja tanpa perlu htaccess mod rewrite