Logging a user in
You may put this in the "login" method of your website.// These variables may come from a form, for instance
if($this->user->login($login, $password)){
// user is now logged in, you may redirect it to the private page
} else {
Validating a session (user is logged in)
You can create custom actions with this function.if($this->user->validate_session()) {
echo "If you can see this you are logged in.";
Auto redirect on invalid session
Auto redirects if the user isn't logged in. The first parameter tells where to redirect if theres a invalid session (controller/method/etc). If you wish to lock the whole controller, you can put it on the constructor.$this->user->on_invalid_session('home/login');
Auto redirect on valid session
Auto redirect function if the user is logged in. The first parameter tell where to redirect if theres a valid session (controller/method). Ideal for login pages.$this->user->on_valid_session('home');
Displaying errors
Codeigniter-user library uses two flashdata names for displaying errors. They are "error_message" for errors and "success_message" for successes. You may want to show them ahead the login form, for example:<form id="login_form">
<div class="error_message"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('error_message');?></div>
<div class="success_message"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('success_message');?></div>
// the login inputs and buttons go here...
Get the current logged in name, id & email
Simple way to retrieve the logged user name and login.echo 'Hello, ' . $this->user->get_name() . '! Your ID is: ' . $this->user->get_id() . ' and your e-mail is: ' . $this->user->get_email();
Get the current logged in data
Simple way to retrieve the logged user data. All the available data is dumped into this variable.var_dump($this->user->user_data);
Check permission
Checks if user has a permission. The first parameter is the permission name.if($this->user->has_permission('editor')){
Logout user
Removes all session from browser and redirects the user to the received path.$this->user->destroy_user('home/login');
Change user password or login on the fly
Call these functions for updating user's password or login. Theres no need to update the database.// changing the user login and password with received data from form
Managing users
There is a separated library for user managing. After setting up the database config, load up the user_manager library. There are some examples of:Adding a new user
$fullname = "Johnny Winter";
$login = "john"
$password = "123becarefulwithafool";
$active = true;
$permissions = array(1, 3);
$new_user_id = $this->user_manager->save_user($fullname, $login, $password, $active, $permissions);
Creating a permission
$permission_id = $this->user_manager->save_permission('editor', 'The editors of my website.');
Deleting a user
if( $this->user_manager->delete_user($user_id)){
echo "User was deleted.";
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